There are 7 types of phonemic awareness skills. These may sound like simple skills, but for a dyslexic reader these skills are difficult and are usually not learned unless they are directly taught. By the way, phoneme means sound.
7 Essential Phonemic Awareness Skills
- Phoneme Segmentation: Tell me the sounds you hear in the word
mop? What's the middle sound in the word cub?
- Phoneme Deletion: If you take the /t/ off the word table, what’s left?
- Phoneme Matching: Listen: do the words snake and sun start with
the same sounds?
- Phoneme Counting: How many sounds are in the word tough?
- Phoneme Substitution: Change the /s/ in sad to /r/. What is the
new word?
- Blending: What word do the sounds /h/ /u/ /g/ make when blended?
- Rhyme: Start with the word cat and tell me three words that rhyme
with cat.