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Accommodations - Writing

Many students who have dyslexia also have dysgraphia.  Dysgraphia is a writing disability that can make writing very labor intensive and can cause lots of tears.

Writing can be one of the most difficult subjects to teach and one of the most frustrating subjects for students to learn.  Here are a few ideas to make writing more manageable.


  1. Use a dictation program instead of writing everything by hand. There are built in systems on Google Chrome and free apps that can be used.
  2. Enlarge writing space.
  3. Provide lines.
  4. Use highlighters to define writing space
  5. Provide graphic organizers.
  6. Scribe for lengthy assignments or keyboard.
  7. Copy notes from paper or book instead of the board. Near point copying is easier.
  8. Provide a copy of notes.
  9. Assist student with the writing process – provide a checklist.
  10. Provide guided outlines or writing frames so students can fill in the main points.
  11. Allow print or cursive.
  12. Give hands on options for writing projects (Power Point presentations, diagrams, posters, flyers, etc).
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